As a Support Group, Villa offers assistance for everything affecting motherhood from the day-to-day pregnancy and childhood struggles to the deeper and more difficult issues to navigate such as Postpartum Mood Disorders, Pregnancy and Infant Loss, and Trauma or Domestic Violence. Though we do not offer Medical Advice or Services at this time, we are here to connect you to any outside Professional help you seek, through our talented group of partners. Villa is a safe space for all moms and will meet you wherever you are at in your journey of motherhood. Our support services include: Free Virtual Support Groups on Zoom weekly, in-person activities for moms and kids to socialize, private and confidential chat groups, other monthly Virtual and in-person Educational Events highlighting some of the major hurdles of motherhood, as well as a free round-the-clock private Motherhood Support Facebook Group, Villa. Here you can connect with other Villa community members for support and know that you are never alone. We aim to make sure you feel empowered to be the best mom you can be.
You got this, #VillaMama!